Sellel postitusel on 24 vastust

Seekordsed EMÜSi talvepäevad toimusid 26.-27. jaanuaril Võru lähedal Oksa puhkemajas. Sauna ja mängude kõrval kogusime ideid ning tegime plaane uueks semestriks. Enne Tartusse tagasi suundumist tutvusime armsa Võru linnaga.


24 vastust

Hello everyone here, I want to use this opportunity to appreciate and inform you of the team of hackers at BRIGADIA TECH REMIKEABLE HACKERS after my husband and I lost $ 301, 000 to a fake cryptocurrency investment company. Last months, we saw on Facebook an opportunity to invest in cryptocurrency in order to make huge profits from the investment. We contacted the broker who was apparently a sc^mmer posing as the account manager for the fake company. We invested a huge part of our retirement savings and business money into this company not realizing we were dealing with sc^mmers. Now when it was time for us to receive the profit from our investment, this broker continued to ask for more money for all sort of reasons, we became broke and almost felt like we were losing our lives. Fortunately, we saw an article about a recovery hacker named “BRIGADIA TECH REMIKEABLE RECOVERY EXPERTS at first we were reluctant to contact them but we then did some research about their services and found out they could help us recover our money from this sc^mmers. We worked with the hacker and within 12 hours, they were able to recover all the money we had sent.

I am so glad that these people didn’t get away with our funds. I will forever be grateful. This is why I am putting this here in case any one has made such mistake, it is not too late at all, you can absolutely recover your lost funds from any sc^ammer whatsoever. I am going to drop the hacker’s contact details here in case anyone needs their services and assistance.
Telegram +13239101605
Martins, 16. juuli 2024
GET RICH WITH BLANK ATM CARD, Whatsapp: +18033921735

I want to testify about Dark Web blank atm cards which can withdraw money from any atm machines around the world. I was very poor before and have no job. I saw so many testimony about how Dark Web Online Hackers send them the atm blank card and use it to collect money in any atm machine and become rich {DARKWEBONLINEHACKERS@GMAIL.COM} I email them also and they sent me the blank atm card. I have use it to get 500,000 dollars. withdraw the maximum of 5,000 USD daily. Dark Web is giving out the card just to help the poor. Hack and take money directly from any atm machine vault with the use of atm programmed card which runs in automatic mode.

You can also contact them for the service below

* Western Union/MoneyGram Transfer

* Bank Transfer

* PayPal / Skrill Transfer

* Crypto Mining

* CashApp Transfer

* Bitcoin Loans

* Recover Stolen/Missing Crypto/Funds/Assets

Email: darkwebonlinehackers@gmail.com

Telegram or WhatsApp: +18033921735

Website: https://darkwebonlinehackers.com
Evelyn Martinez, 17. mai 2024
GET RICH WITH BLANK ATM CARD, Whatsapp: +18033921735

I want to testify about Dark Web blank atm cards which can withdraw money from any atm machines around the world. I was very poor before and have no job. I saw so many testimony about how Dark Web Cyber hackers send them the atm blank card and use it to collect money in any atm machine and become rich {DARKWEBONLINEHACKERS@GMAIL.COM} I email them also and they sent me the blank atm card. I have use it to get 500,000 dollars. withdraw the maximum of 5,000 USD daily. Dark Web is giving out the card just to help the poor. Hack and take money directly from any atm machine vault with the use of atm programmed card which runs in automatic mode.

You can also contact them for the service below

* Western Union/MoneyGram Transfer

* Bank Transfer

* PayPal / Skrill Transfer

* Crypto Mining

* CashApp Transfer

* Bitcoin Loans

* Recover Stolen/Missing Crypto/Funds/Assets

Email: darkwebonlinehackers@gmail.com

Text & Call or WhatsApp: +18033921735

Website: https://darkwebonlinehackers.com
Kylie Harvey, 6. märts 2023
qnpXkZKDoYQPC SIQeXgxhRaYo, 2. mai 2022
aHyBgxjrZObwhYJk vPpDjROoX, 2. mai 2022
bwfiJuDmhO bhytzTCfqJsYNmM, 26. aprill 2022
OQjUPeYp mgMZyjHvAdV, 26. aprill 2022
wuYXrjVQ VNFThkRmnsi, 18. aprill 2022
IvPwqguX FpxeEQzK, 18. aprill 2022
qMUhncpdJ ohgkBLCEidZmFt, 12. aprill 2022
TDBmXxOKSCitMWR hBvzkYOcIxw, 12. aprill 2022
ntIYPdSmNWzwVqF IYLFUSBAf, 5. aprill 2022
pYlENiqs DkNHJfTSCLIuh, 30. märts 2022
RoHedhiUPIaZpsXq wFdqOAlsoCP, 30. märts 2022
UyEfCinWHbNLerw cFUlGVDpMniqs, 23. märts 2022
hMpZbHnxQrmBP FXEecrPVR, 23. märts 2022
bvWVRTCMhk ptlcvjHYm, 9. märts 2022
JrTQOIhHlBW MTVoYPQZr, 9. märts 2022
fwUXJxWPp GkTRHZsxMFPLu, 3. märts 2022
DJTncdZKNaC rgQxLSbw, 3. märts 2022
uLqIrwEQKFkZO WXIAeyHLVYcDwbp, 19. veebruar 2022
JgFWhtNerpVidc EijpaquPoIfdsDUv, 19. veebruar 2022
pkoUYhDlAW dWfXyLFuNU, 11. veebruar 2022
RogxstViyAhU pdUSLwTEGaZfX, 11. veebruar 2022

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