FILMIÕHTU: FILMIÕHTU: The Pruitt-Igoe myth & Napoleon Dynamite
06.12 / 19.00 Kreutzwaldi 58a
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Selle nädala peamiseks filmiõhtu teemaks siis üks USA´s kavandatud elamukompleks, mis arenes üsna teises suunas, kui oodati.
Destroyed in a dramatic and highly-publicized implosion, the Pruitt-Igoe public housing complex has become a widespread symbol of failure amongst architects, politicians and policy makers. The Pruitt-Igoe Myth explores the social, economic and legislative issues that led to the decline of conventional public housing in America, and the city center s in which they resided, while tracing the personal and poignant narratives of several of the project's residents. In the post-War years, the American city changed in ways that made it unrecognizable from a generation earlier, privileging some and leaving others in its wake.

Kavas on ka järgi näidata teine film, milleks oleks Napoleon Dynamite. Algus orienteeruvalt 20:45.
Sissepääs tasuta.
Destroyed in a dramatic and highly-publicized implosion, the Pruitt-Igoe public housing complex has become a widespread symbol of failure amongst architects, politicians and policy makers. The Pruitt-Igoe Myth explores the social, economic and legislative issues that led to the decline of conventional public housing in America, and the city center s in which they resided, while tracing the personal and poignant narratives of several of the project's residents. In the post-War years, the American city changed in ways that made it unrecognizable from a generation earlier, privileging some and leaving others in its wake.

Kavas on ka järgi näidata teine film, milleks oleks Napoleon Dynamite. Algus orienteeruvalt 20:45.
Sissepääs tasuta.
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